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Compendium Reviving Rural Areas

Compendium of International Learning Partnership introduces project Reviving Rural Areas, its partners, main activities and case studies. The aim of this project, which was supported by the European Commission, is to share positive experiences with restoration of traditional methods and way of everyday life in European rural areas that have the potential to survive in present economic environment and help to revive the European countryside not only as a nature preserve but as a vital space.

The compendium you can download here: Compendium Reviving Rural Areas EN.


Czech international visit and final conference

The final international conference of the Grundtvig project took place on Strakonice castle on Friday 13th of June. The main theme of the all presentations was interpretation of traditional values of rural areas in sustainable tourism.

For more information see article: International visit in the Czech Republic and final conference.

Presentation from the conference:

Regional brand – view from outside – CZ and EN

Reflections from inside and outside_EN

Postřehy od nás i odjinud_CZ

The Valley of the Carp_EN

Zachování původních plodin a plemen zvířat_CZ

Regional brands and local products_EN

Projekt Oživování venkova_CZ

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Dutch international visit

The  visit  in The Netherlands took place in the municipality of Ede, situated in the centre of the Netherlands, part of one of the main tourist destinations ‘De Veluwe’. The main objective of the visit was to exchange ideas and learn about organisational structures for the marketing of local products and the possible interaction and synergy between the marketing of local products and tourism, as part of the reviving of rural areas.

For more information see article: The exchange visit to The Netherlands – April 10-13, 2014

Polish international visit

The visit to Poland took place from 11th October till 13thOctober 2013. The visiting delegations consisted of eleven representatives from the Czech Republic, five from the Netherlands and two from Slovakia. The visit was organised by Partnership for The Barycz Valley and the main topic of the visit was wow to involve public to reviving rural areas.

For more information see article: International visit to Poland

Slovak study visit II

The visit to Slovakia took part four participants interested in the topic of the visit. The main theme was focused on “possibilities to establish regional brand Kopaničiarsky region -traditional product.”The Slovak local action group Kopaničiarsky region in co-operation with Agroeduca organized a seminar, which was aimed at regional branding.

For more information see article: Study visit in Slovakia II

Slovak international visit

The meeting took place from 29th April till 1stMay 2013 in Kopaničiarský region. This meeting was attended by 12 participants from the Czech Republic. The main topic of the visit to Kopaničiarský region in Slovakia was get to know how to connect the organic agriculture and agro-tourism.

For more information see article Learning partnership in Slovakia 29/04 – 1/5/2013 .


The second visit to The Czech Republic

The second visit in the Czech Republic took place from 13th March till 15th March 2013. The visiting delegations consisted of four representatives from Slovakia and five persons from Poland. The main topic was the regional brand and supporting of local producers.

For more information see article Grundtvig Learning Partnership Czech International Visit II 13/03 – 15/03/2013 .

Launch of the project website

Project website was launched by the coordinating partner LAG Strakonicko. The site brings the overall information on the project, its events and outputs. The main site is in English, individual partners will be responsible for the content of the sub-pages in national languages.

Visit to Prácheňsko

The first learning partnership visit was organised by the coordinating partner – LAG Strakonicko. It was aimed mostly on the in-deep debate on the project management and outputs but the participants have also opportunity to learn about the activities of the coordinating partner and see the best examples of the regional branding initiative.

For more information see article Learning partnership visit Czech Republic (31/10 – 02/11 2012)

Dni Karpia 2012

“Partnerstwo dla Doliny Baryczy” organised the 7th festival of carp – Dni karpia. Two month food, craft and folklore festival included more than dozen of events that took place at many site through the Barycz Valley. For more information see

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